Rule Clarification - July 2007 FOOTY Class R/C Sailboat
Official Class Association of IFCA

From: Nick Burden
To: Roger Stollery
Subject: More on Footy small rig

Hello Roger,

Thanks for your explanation. A few things still bother me. I have attached a drawing to illustrate this. The boat with the long keel which takes "advantage" of the max keel depth, and has the top of the sail measured to the top of the box which is also maximum deck height. The boat with the shorter keel is allowed to sink into the box until the boom(s) rest on the top of the box. This allows for a greater area of sail. Am I right in assuming these conditions? There is nothing in the Class Rules to define this situation. If hulls are to be "chocked up" this should be made clear. I think it would be easier to measure 305 mm from the underside of the boom where it meets the mast to the top of the sail. This would guarantee uniformity.

The rules stipulate a number of features that may project above the box. Hatch covers are not mentioned which would mean that in my case, my boat would have to sink even lower in the box which would again affect the measurement of the small rig. I suggest that it should me made clear that hatch covers, mock cabins, etc. are allowed to project above the box and that the hull should be placed in the box so that the highest point on the hull (usually the bow), should be level with the top of the box.

Best wishes...Nick

Dear Nick,

There have been problems with 'box' rules defining what has to fit within the 'box'. It is very difficult if parts, like cabins, are allowed to project outside the box because these have to be described and defined carefully. This is not easy. One could have a cabin bigger than the hull for example. This is why the Footy assumes the whole boat must fit within the box with the exception of rig, sails and things that are relatively easily defined by the normally easily defined terms in the ERS like mast, booms, sails etc. A 'cabin' is shown in the summary rules diagram within the box to illustrate this point. I am sorry that you are worried by this but in practice placing your boat in the box and measuring from it should not pose real problems with short keel boats and any problem may be only temporary, to do with boats designed before there was the current rule. My 1976 'Choppa' design that was designed to be a foot long with a very bow and very short keel is easy to place in the box by hand without chocks to demonstrate that it will fit. Once boats develop within the class this should pose less of a perceived problem.

With regard to rig height measurement the 'box' is the one consistent thing to measure from. Just using the mainsail luff alone would open up the possibility of telescopic bottom mast sections to raise or lower the height of the sails above the boat to suit the wind conditions.

